CNA – Giving every employee a seat at the (digital) table
In the midst of a digital transformation, Fei Siong Food Management made sure employees at all levels were upskilled and ready for change.
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In the midst of a digital transformation, Fei Siong Food Management made sure employees at all levels were upskilled and ready for change.
肥雄餐饮集团走向数码化, 与ArcLab合作推出流动学习平台, 员工不必下载任何应用软件就能透过平台的视频学习工作相关的知识, 提高技能。
Walau sudah lanjut usia, Cik Selitenoor Zainal tetap ghairah untuk belajar dan meraih kemahiran baru di tempat kerjanya.
In 1985, the then-15-year-old Tan Kim Siong dropped out of school to work full-time in a hawker stall.
Founders of Fei Siong Group Started with just one fishball noodle stall but today has 15 brands and nearly 160 outlets
15岁就辍学当小贩帮忙养家, 肥雄餐饮集团创办人之一的陈金祥一步一脚印, 如今连同另外两个弟弟打造本地美食王国, 聘雇超过1600人, 集团年收入更高达1.5亿元。